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T-minus 45 Days

T-minus 45 Days

May 1st, 2017, we have lift off.

So, I bought a plane ticket that leaves the UK, takes me across the pond and drops me in America.

By purchasing the ticket, I have now completely committed to what will definitely be my greatest adventure to date.

As I briefly said in my “About” page I didn’t renew my rented flat and I didn’t renew my contract at work. As a 27 year old it’s probably a bit sad to say but they are my only two commitments in life. Well, they were my only two commitments lol.

I make it 45 days until the flight and as we speak I have nothing in place for the 3 month journey across the states.

The way I see it is I just need a positive mindset and a compass attached to a bicycle, but let’s see how my view develops over the coming weeks.

It still feels so far away that it doesn’t seem real, so at the moment I’m properly blasé about it. When I tell people that I’m going to spend 3 months cycling across America the general response is “Haha Lol…..but you’re not are you”, to which I respond, “Yes, I am mate”. The next question they ask is “So when did you last ride a bike?” to which I respond “I had a nails paper round in 2005”. For them it sounds impossible, but as the Adidas motto goes, impossible is nothing.

I’d love for you to keep me company along the way… so come back already!

Yours in cycling,
