Day 28 – as luck would have it
Day 28 (May 29th)
Distance 49.59 miles
Before bed last night I found a Family Dollar store so popped inside. After the ordeal up in the mountains I wanted to treat myself for not dying (such a diva).
I found a doormat in the home section and it looked so comfy so I bought it. I also bought some bin bags to keep my mat dry on the bike.
I made it into Wyoming today and to a town called riverside with a population of 52. I found the best campsite and got chatting to the owner about my brand new purchase. I got the doormat out to show her and it turns out she uses the EXACT same mats in the women’s showers!? Not only that, a camper left a roll mat behind earlier in the week so we made a trade.
My luck will just not stop, after 4 weeks I have a roll mat again!
Perfect negotiation as we both won.
Yours in cycling,