Day 41 – Cheers Jay!
Day 41 (11th June)
Distance 74.1 miles
Last night we were watching the NBA game in a bar and it was pissing it down outside. I was hoping it would stop so I could cycle to the next camp but it continued.
It’s so hard leaving a bar in normal circumstances, it’s even harder when you are leaving a bar to face the rain, the dark and the cold.
I got chatting to a bloke at the bar who earlier had picked up Jess’s bike after it fell outside the bar. Jay and his son were stopping over in west Yellowstone and in keeping with the way the universe works for me, Jay cycled across America back in the 70’s haha.
We all traded stories and it was so good to hear about how the journey changed Jay and what it taught him about himself.
After the game had finished I started revving myself up to go out into the rain. Jess was doing the same but then Jay offered us a place to stay at his condo, God send!!
We took our bikes to his place, I had a hot shower and slept in a warm building whilst the rain turned to hail outside.
Today I made it to a town called Ennis and set my tent up in the garden of a distillery, the Bourbon was decent and warmed me up lovely.
Yours in cycling,