Day 46 – Centurion
Day 46 (16th June)
Distance 104.99 miles
Average 9.8 mph
Total pedal time 10 hrs 38 mins
They said man couldn’t run a mile in 4 minutes, but man did it anyway.
They said Dan couldn’t cycle 100 miles in one day, but Dan did it anyway!
Perhaps that’s a bit dramatic but I’m over the moon about getting 100 miles in one day! Jeeze it took me over 10 hours of pedalling and I hit 3 passes during the day, but I was bionic.
After 99.8 miles I made it to a campsite but there was no way I was stopping before 100 miles. I even contemplated doing a few laps of the campsite to push me over the mark but naaaaaaaaaah next campsite let’s go.
I made it to camp at 10pm and the whole place was shut. I set the tent up in the rain and went to sleep wet as the toilet/shower needed a code to access which I didn’t have.
Dillon Montana to Sula Montana, 15th June 2017, this should be a national holiday TBH.
Yours in cycling,